We offer a full line of sampling services ranging from groundwater, surface water, NPDES/KPDES, industrial effluent to soils. We have highly trained and experienced sampling personnel with the most up to date monitoring equipment available. We can provide all necessary permitting, sampling and regulatory reporting to keep our clients in compliance and have partnered with one of the nation’s largest laboratories to provide all of your analytical services at extremely competitive prices.
Kenvirons currently monitors over 200 groundwater wells at facilities including Coal Combustion Residual, Municipal Solid Waste, Residual/Industrial, Construction/Demolition Debris and Hazardous Waste landfills throughout Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Kenvirons’ field technicians are supported by Engineers and Scientists with over 60 years of combined experience in groundwater monitoring to meet regulatory requirements.
We routinely provide monitoring services for NPDES/KPDES permit compliance for many different types of facility discharges in Kentucky and surrounding states. Our personnel have the experience necessary to navigate our clients through permit and regulatory requirements while providing monitoring services necessary for compliance in a cost-effective and efficient manner.
Kenvirons’ industrial effluent monitoring services include discharge monitoring at major industrial facilities. We have the knowledge and experience to conduct effluent monitoring for a wide range of discharge types and parameters to keep our clients in compliance.
We provide many different types of soil sampling services for clients ranging from major industrial manufacturers to residential properties. Kenvirons utilizes regulatory approved sampling equipment and technology along with proven analytical services to identify contamination and provide our clients with the information they need for proper assessments.
Kenvirons has performed numerous Phase I environmental site assessments that provide our clients with the evidence they require to move forward with property acquisitions and determining the need for further research. We have also performed many Phase II assessments with sampling and monitoring when Phase I work indicates the need.
Kenvirons has provided permitting services for many different types of facilities subject to NPDES and KPDES regulations, including permit renewals, notice of intent (NOI) for new construction or modifications, and expert consulting to navigate our client through the permit process.
We routinely perform various types of landfill gas monitoring for municipal solid waste landfills and special waste landfills using EPA and State-approved methodologies. Our experience includes surface emissions monitoring, wellfield monitoring and tuning, and odor monitoring.