With literally thousands of air-related projects under our belt, we have the knowledge, expertise and experience to handle yours. Our clients routinely depend on us to help them operate efficiently while complying with the various regulatory requirements for air quality. This includes everything from air quality emissions evaluation before a project is under way, to coordinating the permitting process, to monitoring air emissions once a project is finished to ensure its continued compliance, and ongoing compliance reporting.
Kenvirons has prepared and assisted in preparing numerous air permit applications in many different states, including applications for Title V Permits, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and New Source Review (NSR) permits, Conditional Major Permits, Minor Source Permits, all types of permit renewals, off-permit changes, 502(b)10 changes, and administrative changes such as ownership transfers. We fully utilize our expertise and experience in working closely with our clients and the regulatory agencies to assure prompt permit issuance, whether the project be fast-track construction authorization for a new facility or a simple permit modification or renewal.
Our air quality testing capabilities have allowed us to serve our clients for over 40 years, from compliance emissions testing to engineering or informational/diagnostic testing. In addition to our staff’s experience performing most EPA test methods, we also perform measurements using NIOSH, OSHA, NCASI and CARB test methods. We can handle all of your stack testing needs from planning to conducting the testing to reporting.
Kenvirons has performed air quality dispersion modeling for many of our clients through the years, with expertise in the EPA-approved modeling systems such as AERMOD and CALPUFF among others. Whether it’s detailed PSD modeling with protocols and complete model reports for construction projects, risk management modeling, air toxic risk modeling, or “what-if” modeling for facility planning, our experience and expertise has you covered.
Our staff routinely prepares many different types of air quality compliance reports for our clients, including annual Compliance Certifications, Annual Emissions Reports, Semiannual and Quarterly Reports, MACT reports, and many other categories of reports such as construction notifications and specific reports required by the many different air quality regulations. Our experience and success rate takes the stress out of your compliance reporting.
We have developed and maintained emissions inventories for all types of different air-emitting facilities, including manufacturing facilities, municipal and institutional facilities. We have the knowledge and experience to employ accurate emission calculations that are critical for facility compliance and permitting, including those based upon published EPA emission factors, engineering calculations, tested emission factors, manufacturer-specific emission factors among others.
Kenvirons prepares and oversees the submittal of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reports for our clients required by EPA using their e-GGRT reporting tool. Our knowledge of the applicable GHG reporting regulations specific to different types of sources assures complete, accurate reporting. Our staff also performs and oversees GHG monitoring required by the regulations.
We routinely perform various types of landfill gas monitoring for municipal solid waste landfills and special waste landfills using EPA and State-approved methodologies. Our experience includes surface emissions monitoring, wellfield monitoring and tuning, and odor monitoring.